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Visit Our Beautiful Campground

In Stonefort, IL

Welcome to Little Lusk Campground in the Shawnee National Forest

Little Lusk Campground is so excited to welcome you to our breathtaking 85-acre campground in Stonefort, IL! Our campground includes six lodge rooms, 50 campsites, and numerous campsite amenities. Our spacious campground has a beautiful Event Barn for special gatherings, free highlines behind campsites to accommodate your horses, nearby lakes for fishing, miles of hiking trails, amazing horse-riding adventures, and much more. We offer laundry facilities for $5 and a bathhouse on-site. We also offer firewood, hay, shavings, and ice for all of your camping needs. We welcome both your horses and your other pets. The Shawnee National Forest provides the perfect backdrop for your camping experience.

two kids horseback riding

Explore Horseback Riding and Enjoy Amenities for Your Horse

We welcome both you and your horses, with 50 Campsites, 6 lodge rooms, 30 covered box stalls, 10 open pens for overflow and a farrier barn. We offer free lightweight highlines for your convenience behind our campsites. You’ll love a day of exploring and riding through our three stunning trails. These gorgeous trails lead you through the Lusk Creek Wilderness area, Bay Creek Wilderness area, and the Shawnee National Forest. We offer maps of the trails around our campground. After a day of riding, relax on our large, covered porch or enjoy watching television in our lodge. Stay tuned for horse riding events and adventures at Little Lusk Campground.

Hunt, Fish, Hike, and Camp in Our Alluring Natural Surroundings

The Shawnee National Forest provides the perfect backdrop for all of your camping needs. Take a day to visit the tallest falls in Illinois at Burden Falls. Hike through the scenic canyons of Bell Smith Springs and then dive into the primitive swimming holes. We have some of the best fishing in the area located right on our campground. Enjoy a day of hunting in the area, and then come back to relax in your private room at night. The stunning natural surroundings offer numerous valleys, hills, and wood lots for your adventuresome spirit.

aerial view of event barn

Rent Our Event Barn for Rustic Entertainment

Our Event Barn provides the perfect place for all of your special events. The spacious barn can be rented for your rehearsal dinners, weddings, corporate events, family reunions, or parties. Feel free to turn the adorable, old-fashioned barn into your rustic dream-come-true venue with your decorations of choice. We provide seating, tables, and a refrigerator for your convenience. The barn also features outdoor lighting and a large wooden patio area for additional space. Step outside the comfort of the spacious indoor area to take in the breathtaking view of the Shawnee National Forest. Contact us today to discuss details!

50 Barger Rd, Stonefort, IL 62987, USA